上一个:休闲洽谈椅一 下一个:休闲洽谈椅三


配合现代办公设计概念,一张办公椅子,已经不只是为坐而设,其同时可以提升办公室形象,带给工作人员舒适和谐感受,由此而增强工作效率 . 智丰办公椅之设计理念与特性,便是符合上述要求,为职场人员提供全面及最佳之选择 . In line with modern office design concepts, an office chair is not just for sitting, it can also enhance the image of the office, bring the staff a sense of comfort and harmony, and thus enhance work efficiency. The design philosophy and characteristics of the SJ office chair meet the above requirements and provide a comprehensive and best choice for workplace personnel.

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